Online Trafficking: Where Does She Go From Here?

This short clip, from Operation Underground Railroad’s documentary, It’s Happening Right Here, follows the brilliant efforts of law enforcement as they recover a young girl who was being abused for CSAM (child sexual abuse material) to be sold on the dark web. This clip depicts the ease of how online criminal predation and victimization can occur, and allows us a small window into the pain many of the children you support have suffered. But what happens to the child after exploitation?

It's Happening Right Here unveils the truth that sex trafficking can happen in every community in the U.S. Awareness about online grooming, sextortion, and trafficking, along with preventative tools, are examined through interviews with law enforcement, technology experts, and survivors.

Research tells us that a sexually exploited child has an average life expectancy of seven years if they are not recovered. And, if they manage to escape their trafficker, many are re-victimized by the hands of another trafficker due to lack of resources to pursue healing. This is where you come in! New Day is experiencing a 100% increase in the number of girls seeking support, and it’s our mission to never say “no.” Your donation will help ensure that New Day will CONTINUE to say yes to every recovered child.


When Healing Happens


What About The Families?